Who We Are
My Legacy of Faith is a service of a group representing a cross section of Southern Baptist entities volunteering with the goal of promoting and developing a culture of Biblical Estate Stewardship.
We promote Biblical “whole life stewardship” developing an understanding and maximum use of all resources including financial resources, natural gifts and spiritual gifts with which God has entrusted us.
We believe:
- God owns everything
- We are called to be stewards of our time, talent and treasure
- The single largest act of financial stewardship most believers will ever undertake involves how they plan and distribute their estate assets.
Therefore, we desire every Southern Baptist and every believer to have the opportunity to participate in quality estate planning as an act of stewardship.
To the greatest extent possible we have provided these resources in free, online and downloadable formats. We encourage you to use and share these resources enthusiastically.
Our desire is that the resources in this website, and the services offered would be of use to a broad array of Christians, bring glory to our Lord and result in the Advancement of His Kingdom.