Planning for the Future
A Believer’s Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust
During your lifetime, you may work forty years to accumulate assets and spend ten to twenty years conserving that accumulation. Through good planning, another wonderful chapter in life’s testimony can be completed. However, some people may take two hours or less to plan for distribution of the assets. Too many times there has been little prayer or planning and their last chapter becomes burdensome for family members and fails to reflect their values.
To help you in this important opportunity, we have prepared a "downloadable" booklet for your use. After downloading it, you may print it off and complete it at your own pace.
We have also created an online booklet. The online booklet also allows you to save your information, and return to complete it at your own pace. The advantage of using this format is, when completed, you may save it and email copies of it to professional counsel.
Both of these guides are designed to help you move forward with a plan that writes a consistent chapter in the book of your life. Both are free.
We encourage you to take the next step today.